In the US, a recent Conference Board survey found that more than one-third of human capital executives recently surveyed said that they expect 40% or more of their employees will still work primarily remotely one year after COVID-19 subsides. This result contrasts with before the pandemic when nearly 75% of organizations had fewer than 10% of their employees who primarily worked remotely.
In response, start-ups offer remote employees opportunities to enjoy nature while at work. Here are three compelling examples:
- OiO, which stands for Out in Office, is a Dutch company started by a furniture designer that sells a novel office bike/workspace that allows people to pedal their office to their favorite natural setting.
- Today’s Office comes from a Swedish company. It is a small wood cabin built as an off-grid office in the woods and powered by plugging into a Hyundai. The car’s Vehicle-To-Load function turns it into a reliable power bank, providing enough electricity to power a heat pump, refrigerator, espresso machine, and wifi, with enough energy to drive back home.
- An Irish start-up company, Nooka sells small pre-fab outdoor offices through a subscription service. And if the subscriber isn’t using the unit, it can be “re-rented” out through the Nooka app, which operates like the Airbnb platform.