Putting customers at the center of business activity enables companies to better understand and meet their needs and expectations. It is key to building enduring customer relationships and a strong brand.
And customers continue to expect more from their brands, including responsible environmental and social performance.
Further, customers – especially Generation Z – are increasingly willing to use their buying power as a driver for change.
Marketing experts forecast that future marketing success will depend on how companies build environmental and social purpose into their brand reputation. Even now, an increasing number of marketing executives with global brands are using their creativity and passion to create positive change.
In this Lab, participants work as an Executive Team to integrate sustainability into their marketing strategy to drive product innovation, develop loyal customers, engage stakeholders, and manage the company’s reputation.
Throughout the process, they must drive sales with a clear, sustainable, and customer-focused value proposition.
They endeavor to develop a marketing campaign that doesn’t over-reach with greenwashed claims. But instead, tells a compelling story about how the company offers customer value through its low-impact, positive-purpose product.
All the while, internal and external stakeholders monitor company decisions, challenging the Executive Team to “walk the talk” while pushing for transparency and accountability.
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